A report from GE capital regarding the GE/Taylor guitar commercial had the following question to and statement from Deb Barker (GE Executive):
“Is that really you playing the guitar?”
“I would love it to be me, but although I’m learning there’s no way I could play that amazing riff! In the advert we wanted a light-hearted moment at the end to illustrate the close working relationships and connection GE Capital has with its customers – the surprise expert guitar playing at the end of the advert hopefully illustrated that in a nice, amusing way. To create the scene we used some movie magic to transpose my head onto the body of a wonderfully talented player named Marija Temo. Marija is a classically trained Flamenco player – one of a few in the USA. No doubt Marija will have long lasting positive effects from this commercial, as the interest in her and her craft has increased significantly. She is an amazing artist!”
Tags: commercial, GE, GE capital, marija temo, Taylor Guitars, TV