Flamenco Completo™ (Marija Temo & Ulrika Frank) in Performance & Workshop, Mayfield Village & Novelty, OH, 4/21-22/12

Posted by admin - March 15th, 2012

Ulrika Frank & Marija Temo

(Ulrika Frank and Marija Temo)


(Hand to Hand)

A unified embody of flamenco, classical, and contemporary styles in guitar, singing, and dance performed by the dynamic duo of Ulrika Frank and Marija Temo.  Frank’s exceptional skills of dancing flamenco and contemporary style dance, and Temo’s exquisite talents of singing, and playing classical and flamenco guitar, have merged into a deep and sincere connection on stage. The amazement in watching the duo perform is their unique ability to catch each other’s moments, support and guide one and other until the final crescendo which leaves artists and audiences with only one wish: to continue.

Saturday, April 21, 2012, 7:30 p.m.

: $30 General public, $25 Seniors

Location: Mayfield Village Civic Center, 6622 Wilson Mills Road (Corner of Route 91 and Wilson Mills Rd.), Mayfield Village, OH 44143.

Tickets: 440-338-3171 or click here to purchase tickets online

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Flamenco Completo™ Workshop with Ulrika Frank and Marija Temo (for Dancers, Guitarists, and Singers in the same class.)

Workshop Description: Ulrika Frank (flamenco dancer) and Marija Temo (flamenco guitarist and singer), each known for their informative teaching styles, have collaborated to offer a complete workshop experience that unites dancers, guitarists, and singers in the same class. Flamenco Completo™ is unique in that the workshop focuses on the structure of letras (verses of flamenco singing), how the structure varies, and is improvised in different ways.

Location, Registration, and Payment: Fairmount Center for the Arts, P. O. Box 80, 8400 Fairmount Road, Novelty, OH 44072, ph: 440-338-3171

: Technique class Fee: $25, Workshop Fee: $75 ($65 if paid by April 16, 2012)

1:00- 2:00p.m
. Beg/Int-Dance Technique Class. Guitarists are encouraged to attend the Dance Technique class to better their accompaniment skills.  (Material presented will be in preparation for the workshop)

2:15- 4:45p.m. – Beg/Int. Flamenco Completo™ Workshop for Dancers, Guitarists, and Singers in the same class

Palo: Tientos

(Coaching with Ulrika and Marija together for individuals and semi-private classes is also available. Note that these students will be required to attend the workshop.) For information contact: http://www.marijatemo.com/contact/


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