Flamenco Completo (Ulrika Frank & Marija Temo) 2012 Kickoff Workshop Series, Vienna, VA

Posted by admin - December 9th, 2011


Ulrika Frank and Marija Temo, would like to welcome you to start off 2012 with an exciting six week Soleá por Bulerías.  Flamenco Completo Cursillo which includes a Studio Recital  at the new Casita Flamenca Dance Studio in Vienna, VA.

Flamenco Completo Cursillo including Studio Recital                      $125

Dancers, guitarists, and singers will be taught (separately and together), the different components that make up a routine.  Each class will cover technique and the application of these components, and the recital will be an opportunity to perform the material.  By accompanying one another, students will realize and learn the adjustments that are needed to participate in any type of flamenco setting.  The Flamenco Completo cursillo will enhance your awareness to listen, react, and respond.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 15               ENTRADA                         4:00-5:30PM

SUNDAY, JANUARY 22               LLAMADA                         4:00-5:30PM

SUNDAY, JANUARY 29               LETRA                                4:00-5:30PM

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5            ESCOBILLA                      4:00-5:30PM

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12            SALIDA                              4:00-5:30PM

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19            RECITAL                          4:00-5:30PM

The total Cursillo package is $125.  Separate classes are $30 per class.

Please send your registration to ulrikafrank@verizon.net. You will receive an email with directions after you have registered.

Note- You can also sign up for Coaching Sessions where Ulrika and Marija teach together to help you with either your repertoire of falsetas, choreographies, letras, or any other particular request, in order to develop your structure and communication skills. Also, both artists, separately, will be offering individual and group classes.  See their websites for details.


Flamenco Completo
(Ulrika Frank & Marija Temo)




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