M. Temo guest performer w/ TCFC & in wkshp, Minneapolis, MN, 1/14-15/23

Posted by admin - December 29th, 2022

Date: Sunday, 1/15/23
Location: Icehouse MPLS, 2528 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, 55404
4p.m. Doors- Full food & Beverage Menu available at your table
5p.m. Showtime
Advance: $20 // Day of Show: $25


Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2ztw8l3Er



Bulerías Workshop w/ Marija Temo
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2cX09uYt4
Register at
facebook.com/twincitiesflamenco or tcflamencocoll@gmail.com

Dance Wkshp: 1 Wkshp $30/1 day, $55 for 2 days
Application Wkshp: $38/1 day, $70 for 2 days


Sat. 1/14/23
3-4 PM, Dance Workshop (all levels)
4:15-5:30 PM, Application Workshop (all levels in dance, guitar, and singing)


Sun, 1/15/23
11 AM-12 PM,Dance Workshop (all levels)
12:15-1:30 PM, Application Workshop (all levels in dance, guitar, and singing)

Dance Workshop (all levels)
Bring your marking steps, llamadas or be taught in group settings with some simple pasos. Learn how to bring out the aire (rhythmic feel) of your steps, how to effectively communicate, and where to apply them properly to the guitar and singing. Some of the structure of the dance and cante will be explored to begin the journey in how to listen, react, and respond. Marija Temo will accompany the class with guitar and cante. Bring your questions and let’s learn the process and understand.

Application Workshop (all levels in dance, guitar, and singing)
Dancers will apply what was taught in the Dance Communication Workshop with guitarists and singers and learn how to effectively communicate dance steps in leading the guitarist and following the singing. Guitarists will learn how to follow the dance and anticipate the tones of the singer to be able play the proper chordal support. Singers will learn how to follow the dance by changing how they sing the letra rhythmically and melodically and how to clearly convey specific tones for the guitarists


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