M. Temo Flamenco Communication Intensive with Guest Dancer / Teacher, Kerensa DeMars, Milwaukee, WI, August 24-26, 2023

Posted by admin - August 10th, 2023

August 24-26, 2023, Thurs- Sat, Milwaukee, WI

Flamenco Communication Intensive
with Marija Temo and guest dancer/teacher, Kerensa DeMars
(for all levels in Dance, Guitar, & Vocal, working separately & together)

The flamenco intensive focuses on working with different disciplines to enhance your abilities to lead, accompany, and to better support one another with feedback from M. Temo and K. DeMars

This year is designed for participants to be able to take one or more days. Different material will be taught each day.

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/4xGVJenj6

Coaching sessions

Coaching sessions are a supportive environment for you to workshop parts of your dance solo, falseta, or letra with other students (dancers, guitarists, singers, palmeros) and the instructors.  The goal of these sessions is to help you improve your performance communication skills with constructive and positive feedback.

(Best to arrange with other students if you want a 2 person or group coaching, or inquire with M. Temo if someone can be put with you.  You may also sign up for an individual coaching where M. Temo will accompany via guitar and singing, and/or K. DeMars will dance for you.)

Email Marija Temo to register for your slot time. First come, first serve. Slot times are guaranteed with payment.

Workshops are for all levels (beginners to more experienced dancers). The material will be shown in a basic and more advanced version. (Students are welcome to record the material.)

Bamberas (Llamada, Letra, Escobilla, Salida)
Separate Workshops for Dancers, Guitarists, and Singers
Application Workshop Combining Dancers, Guitarists, and Singers together.

The Bamberas  or ‘Swing Songs’ are a flamenco adaption of Andalusian folk music. Originally sung in a fandangos style, Paco de Lucia reworked the Bamberas in the Solea por Buleria rhythm which is most commonly used today but with a different aire that’s more fluid, reminiscent of the swings….

Dance Technique
Footwork Drills and Building Escobillas. This technique class includes a series of footwork drills for stamina and musicality followed by phrasing patterns to create escobillas in 12 count palos. We’ll look specifically at how to create strong, musical footwork sections, how to extend or shorten a pattern and how to create patterns that work well for a guitarist to accompany.

Upper body movement and mantón technique. This class will include a series of drills focused on upper body control and using the torso to create more depth and power in your dancing. We’ll explore the dynamic torso movements that are unique to flamenco and how to cultivate the flexibility and strength needed to create those lines. We will also explore mantón work and how to engage the torso to complement this technique. BYO mantón if you have one, some will be provided.

Palmas (Technique & Application):  Learn various styles of palmas, which include different patterns for accompaniment and how to create strong accents, and how to hold the body to prevent fatigue. We will also learn how to find musicality in your palmas, play supportively without rushing or overpowering what’s happening musically.

We’ll put our technique practice to the test accompanying falsetas, escobillas, llamadas and letras, and discuss how to get in and out of contra sections, how to listen to your fellow palmeros to stay in synch, and how to give jaleo while playing palmas.

Palos to be covered: Friday: Bulerias, Sat: Tientos/Tangos.

Jam sessions
Free time, without the instructors, to jam with other dancer, guitarist, and singer workshop participants.

Observation All workshops and coachings are open for an observation fee. (Observation is free for the days that you are registered for a workshop or coaching.)

Dinner/Juerga (Sat.) 5:30p.m- TBA (For Wkshp participants only)

Breakfast Brunch (Sun.) TBA (For Wkshp participants only)

 Click here to register

FYI: Get your airbnb’s/ hotels and flights asap!   The republican national committee scheduled their first presidential debate on 8/23/23 in Milwaukee. (Fyi:Some workshop participants have found condo’s at the Knick and nearby locations at a better price than hotels.)


All Saints Cathedral
818 E Juneau Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Parking is available in the church lot but be sure your car is parked up against and facing the church.
2 hr Parking is available on the street.


Thursday, 8/24/23
Coaching & Jam Sessions

10:30- 11:20a.m. Coaching (Choir room)
Mercedes Nelson (dancer)-  Guajiras- one person coaching

11:30 – 12:20p.m. Coaching (Choir room)
Duane (guitar), Suzanne (singer), Ana San Diego (dancer)- Alegrias

12:30- 1:50p.m. (Lunch)
Jam session available in Guild Hall and Choir room (20- 30 minutes per group)

2:00- 2:50p.m. Coaching (Choir room)
Paula (dancer), Suzanne (guitar), Veronica (singer)- Tangos del Titi

3:00- 3:50p.m. Coaching (Choir room)
Lisa (singer), Suzanne, (singer), Vero (singer), Valeria (dancer or palmas) – Solea por Bulerias

4:00- 5:30p.m. Jam session available in Guild Hall and Choir room (30 minutes per group)

5:30- Dinner on your own

Friday, 8/25/23
Coaching, Jam Sessions, & Workshops

9:20- 10:10a.m. Coaching (Choir room)
Paula (dancer), Duane (guitar), Lisa (singer)- Solea

10:20- 11:10am. Coaching (Choir room)
Jay Lubinsky (guitar and cante) and Valeria Berkovich (dancer)- Tangos- 2 person coaching

11:20- 12:40p.m. (Lunch)
Jam sessions available in Guild Hall and Choir room (20- 30 minutes per group)

12:40- 12:50p.m. Welcome Introduction / Notes for the day/ Meet & Greet

1:00- 1:50p.m. Dance technique- Footwork Drills and Building Escobillas (Choir room)
1:00- 1:50p.m Bamberas Cante workshop- (Guild Hall)

2:00- 2:50p.m. Bamberas Guitar Workshop (Guild Hall)
2:00- 2:50p.m. Bamberas Dance workshop- (Choir room)

3:00- 4:00p.m. Break 1 hr
Jam sessions available in Guild Hall and Choir room (20-30 minutes per group)

4:00- 4:50p.m. Bamberas Application Workshop (Guild Hall)

5:00- 5:50p.m Palmas Technique & Application Workshop (Guild Hall)
Palo: Bulerias

6:00p.m. Dinner on your own

Saturday, 8/26/23
Jam Sessions, Workshops, & Juerga

9:10- 9:20p.m. Welcome Introduction / Notes for the day/ Meet & Greet

9:30- 10:20a.m. Dance technique – Upper body movement and mantón technique.
BYO mantón if you have one, some will be provided (Choir room)

9:30- 10:20a.m. Bamberas Cante workshop- Guild Hall

10:30- 11:20a.m. Bamberas Guitar Workshop (Guild Hall)
10:30- 11:20a.m. Bamberas Dance workshop- (Choir room)

11:30- 12:50p.m. (Lunch)
Jam sessions available in Guild Hall and Choir room (20-30 minutes per group)

1:00- 1:50p.m. Bamberas Application Workshop (Guild Hall)

2:00- 2:50p.m. Palmas Technique & Application Workshop (Guild Hall)
Palo: Tientos/Tangos

5:30p.m.- Dinner/Juerga- TBA (For Wkshp participants only)- At capacity. No more room available.

Sunday, 8/27/23

Breakfast Brunch -10:30a.m -TBA (For Wkshp participants only)

Airbnbs- There are many within walking distance to the Church
Hotels: See list below

Café at the Plaza
Address: 1007 N Cass St, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone:(414) 276-2101

The Knick
1030 E Juneau Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 272-0011

County Claire Irish Inn and Pub
234 N. Astor Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
414- 272-5273

Restaurants/Grocery Store
within walking distance of dance studio   

Metro Market Grocery Store
Sun – Sat: 6:00 AM – 11:00 PM
1123 N. Van Buren. MILWAUKEE, WI 53202
(414) 273-1928
3 minute walk from church

Café at the Plaza
Address: 1007 N Cass St, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone:(414) 276-2101
7a.m. to 2:00p.m.
Does not take reservations
Has GF and Vegetarian dishes

The Knick
1030 E Juneau Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 272-0011
Has some GF and Vegetarian dishes

916 East State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Also has salads, sandwiches

County Claire Irish Inn and Pub
234 N. Astor Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
414- 272-5273
Has a restaurant
3 minute walk to the church (about 2 blocks)

Buckley’s Restaurant and Bar
801 N Cass St, Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 277-1111

Other Restaurants:
Many restaurants are on Brady St. They are within walking distance or short uber drives


Airport/Amtrak/Transportation downtown

No rental cars needed.

Airport: General Mitchell                                                             
20 minutes from downtown to Hotel and Dance studio
Uber is ½ the cost of a taxi around $25 one way.

Amtrak: https://www.amtrak.com/home
$25 one way from Chicago to Milwaukee
Trains run around 6x per day to and from Amtrak
10 minute uber from hotel/dance studio
Uber is around $8.00 one way to Hotel and Church

Trolley – For $1 per ride, will drop you to different places downtown

*The Hop (Milwaukee’s street car)- Free one way and round trip rides.
To and from Amtrak Station and can drop you very close to the church and end at Burns Commons.

Uber- easy to access in downtown Milwaukee short distances to everything downtown

Astor Hotel Shuttle Service takes you to anywhere in the downtown area
Hours: 7:00a.m.- 11:00p.m. Fri and Sat
7:00a.m- 8:00p.m. Mon- Thurs


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